Intensive Therapy | Importance of Fitness and Exercise
Exercise is defined as a type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve and/or maintain
Here is a selection of articles we’ve written to give you further insights into The Timmermans Method.
Please feel free to share them with other people you think might benefit from our Intensive Therapy and support.
No dream is too big for us, no problem too difficult, and no child too challenging. We push harder, we go further, and we try more. We exist to make the world a better place for everyone living with disability. – Chad Timmermans
Exercise is defined as a type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve and/or maintain
Most people associate Cerebral Palsy as a muscular disorder when in fact it’s a neurological condition that affects movement. This happened because
Before starting with The Timmermans Method, I had never been involved in intensive therapy, I started in December 2019, and after a
Cuevas Medek Exercises, or CME as it is more commonly known, is arguably the most effective form of therapy for teaching children
The staff at The Timmermans Method, wish to inform our clients that we are taking the Coronavirus (Covid-19) very seriously and are
As the parent of a child with additional needs, there are always appointments. Whether it be medical or therapy, they are constant.
Cuevas Medek Exercises (CME) is a method that we employ to promote improvements in posture, balance, and motor control for children with
We are often asked if the children that we see maintain the results achieved after the intensive therapy finishes. Since it isn’t