As the parent of a child with additional needs, there are always appointments. Whether it be medical or therapy, they are constant. They are never located in the same place and often we don’t get a lot of choice about when they are.
Take yesterday for example – we had therapy in the morning, fitting for a new pair of AFO’s straight after. Then home for a nap, off to the doctors and then finally finishing out the day with another therapy session. I was tired after all that, so I have no doubt that my 2 year old son was also tired, especially given he is the one doing the therapy!
Days like this are hard for everyone, so be kind to yourself. If you can take 5 minutes somewhere for a cup of coffee, then take it. Forgot about other things you should be doing that day, they will wait until tomorrow.
I try to set aside some time on days following busy days to just play with my son. No therapy intentions, just good old fashioned play and lots of giggles.
It’s also OK to take breaks from therapy as well – we did that over Christmas for a few weeks – it was refreshing.
Its also a great idea to chat to your therapists – set ground rules from the start as to what the involvement is from everyone in the sessions. You can also say that you want some sessions where you have minimal involvement if you just need that break.
Lastly, we all have thoughts where you get caught up in the therapy vortex, its exhausting and you wonder if you are doing the right thing. These thoughts are normal. But the flip side is when they finally master a new skill at therapy – your love for your children shows in your delight as you support them in this journey.